Business Partners


Papagolf was created as a Golf Organization for golf beginners (including quite beginners). But we expanded the concept and in 2018 we became a club that received accreditation from the Russian Golf Association and now we have organizations for both experienced golfers and beginners. Tournaments, trips abroad, Golf events, corporate events - we do everything related to Golf.

Join a club group on Facebook, read news, comment, play with us, travel with us and become part of our Golf family.


Hitton Golf

HIT comes from hitting the ball, TON is balance of the body. To hit the golf ball you need to keep your body balanced

Hitton literally is Street golf.

Hitton has 9 holes course located in park area in Antalya Expo and in Crystal Tat Golf Resort and Spa hotel in Belek, Aydın Golf Club in Kuşadası

This game doesn’t take a lot of time to play

Easy to learn and play, doesn’t require special physical training and a lot of equipment, just one plastic golf club and tennis ball – that is the full set of Hitton golfer. Bigger holes give an opportunity to get the ball into the hole easily.

This game doesn’t have age or any other restrictions. Enjoy with your family all together.

Hitton includes all the elements that help to understand the basics of real golf.

The main goal of Hitton Street Golf is to prove that everyone can enjoy playing golf and it’s not just an expensive and exclusive sport for rich people.


The Story of Rikse Birdie Challenge Golf Tournament: A Tradition Born Out of Passion

The Rikse Birdie Challenge golf tournament was born as a way for golf enthusiasts to create unforgettable memories. In its early days, the tournament was held every month due to growing interest. As the tournament gained rapid popularity, it transitioned to an annual event, and this interest has continued to grow year after year.

Initially, the Rikse Birdie Challenge started as a local event, but it quickly expanded, attracting more participants each year. The tournament increased the chances for everyone to participate by offering four different categories for players at different levels: Birdie, Par, Bogey, and Double Bogey.

Over the years, the Rikse Birdie Challenge has become a meeting point for golf enthusiasts. Players not only showcase their golf skills but also have the opportunity to connect with other golf lovers.

Every year, more golf enthusiasts join the Rikse Birdie Challenge with dreams of winning big prizes and the desire to connect with the golf community. The tournament has become a platform where golf lovers share unforgettable experiences and where competition blends with friendship.

The Rikse Birdie Challenge golf tournament is a place to share the beauty of golf and bring together the passionate. We continue to accumulate new achievements and unforgettable memories every year. Join this exciting tradition and become a part of the enchanting journey of the golf world!
