Cahit Kaya

Cahit Kaya



I would like to share my life story under the name Cahit Kaya. My life has not been easy, but I have never given up. Believing in the future and working hard has been my source of energy to pursue my dreams.

I believe that dreams are important to understand the meaning of life, and it is important to not only dream but also to plan to realize those dreams. I believe that every person is different and has the freedom to choose their own purpose.

In 1997, when I gripped a golf club for the first time at the Kemer Golf Club in Istanbul, I realized exactly what I wanted. With the encouragement and help of Seyhan Ceylan, I stepped into the world of golf. My hard work paid off and I won some tournaments.

With Jan Hildingstam's invitation and support, my passion for golf grew even more. In 2002, I worked intensively on golf for 6 weeks in Pakistan and won tournaments. Even during my military service, I did not give up golf and supported the idea of a 9-hole golf course in Narlıdere.

In 2004, with the support of my father, I traveled to Sweden and had the opportunity to work with one of the best golf coaches, Farid Guedra. Under his guidance, my golf game improved and I took a step towards my dream of becoming a PGA Tour player.

I played many tournaments in Europe and meeting Robert Karlsson changed my life. His teachings encouraged me to believe in myself and my dreams. Now my goal is to contribute to my country and the sport by making golf more popular in Turkey.

From that point on, between 2007 and 2010, golf was at the center of my life. I played more than 80 tournaments in Europe and got closer to my dreams step by step.
